Section One: Create Your Mass Movement.
* Secret #1: The Charistmatic Leader / Attractive Character
* Secret #2: The Cause
* Secret #3: The New Opportunity
* Secret #4: The Opportunity Switch
Section Two: Create Your Belief.
* Secret #5: The Big Domino
* Secret #6: The Epiphany Bridge
* Secret #7: The Hero's Two Journeys
* Secret #8: The Epiphany Bridge Script
* Secret #9: False Belief Patterns
* Secret #10: The 3 Secrets
Section Three: Your Moral Obligation.
* Secret #11: The Stack Slide
* Secret #12: The Perfect Webinar
* Secret #13: The One Thing
* Secret #14: Breaking and Rebuilding Belief Patterns
* Secret #15: The Stack
* Secret #16: Trail Closes
Sections Four & Five: Bonus Sections
* 6 More Secrets (but you'll have to get the book to find out what they are)